“I come in the little things”, saith the Lord

What seems like nothing

can be everything


What seems so small

can be so much


What seems inconsequential

can mean the world


What seems not to matter

can make all the difference


So often in our lives

it is the seemingly little things

which mean the most to us


May we never underestimate

what appears to be small

it may be our most precious gift


This day and every day


Journey in Prayer

On a journey in a hot air balloon

we let ourselves be carried

by the movement of the wind


As we float gently through the air

we can know that we are being both held

and supported


As a passenger on this flight

we know there is someone gently steering

and we can trust this pilot


In this spirit we take time

to look at all that surrounds us

and take in the beauty of the moment


Safe in the Hands of the One

who is holding the ropes

we may relax and rest awhile in Him


This day and every day


All that You give

May Your Spirit

pour through

and fill us


May Your Love

pour through

and surround us


May Your Guidance

pour through

and inspire us


May Your Healing

pour through

and renew us


May Your Life

pour through

and enfold us


This day and every day


The Gentle Voice

There is a soft gentle voice

Calling us

It speaks in tones of love

But quietly

Sometimes it seems like only

A whisper

Yet this Voice is also


It meets us where we are

At all times

And comes to help us

In our need

May we listen


This day and every day
